Friday, December 05, 2008

Building Disputes in Strata and Community Schemes

Before now, trying to lodge a complaint regarding common areas would require the majority of the owners to agree that an action proceed. Where the developer has majority ownership or voting rights, it can be difficult for the owners to agree. This sometimes occurs because the developer is also the builder, or is financially connected with the builder, and is seeking to avoid their responsibilities. 

The Home Building Act provides for complaints about defective building work on the common property of a scheme to be made to the Office of Fair Trading by an owners corporation, or by a community association in relation to association property in a community scheme. 

As of 1 August 2008, individual strata and community lot owners will be able to lodge complaints with Fair Trading and to invite a Fair Trading building inspector onto the common property of a strata scheme or association property in a community scheme. As a further safeguard, caretakers and other persons who control access to areas of the common property will be obligated to cooperate with officers from Fair Trading and provide assistance to enable the inspection to be carried out, for example by providing access to locked areas of the common property.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Old Termite Damage - Not a problem? Is it?

A typical scenario I have come across in many of my inspections is like this;

A home has suffered a Termite Infestation some time in the past which was successfully treated.

The owners have followed up with annual inspections as advised by the Pest Control firm.

Termite damaged timbers were not removed and were not ever assessed by a building consultant

This is a common scenario and on the surface it appears as though all that could be done has been done. The agent may even provide you with all the available documentation to prove the termite infestation was successfully treated and maintained free of termites to date.

That's all good.....BUT!

What about the timber structure? 

Has the structure been assessed by a building inspector? 

I know from my many years of experience the answer to this question when asked is a whole lot of mumbling. were told...

Well I can tell you that when a termite infestation has occurred the damage caused by the infestation is far more extensive than the initial workings found. Unfortunately this is not normally discovered until the new home buyer decides to renovate. 

Wall linings may be removed to reveal massive amounts of timber damage and mud packing.

The signs that this damage existed may have been present before this is discovered however the signs are usually too subtle to be detected by the untrained eye. Compression of the wall frames, floor frames, jambing doors, uneven floors or ceilings may all be signs of termite damage. you will need help from a professional building consultant to properly diagnose, as long as you don't ignore the signs.

How to select a Building & Pest Inspector


We've all heard it before. Haven't we?

As a home buyer you already have plenty of i's to dot and t's to cross. But whatever you do, don't forget to make sure you select a reputable Building & Pest Inspector. With the number of negligence claims against Building & Pest Inspectors on the rise it more important then ever to do your homework on this one.

The majority of claims brought against Building & Pest Inspectors in Australia are unsuccessful. Of the claims that are paid the amount awarded rarely satisfies or adequately compensates the home buyer for the loss not to mention the anguish caused by the drawn out process. The only real winners (and I know you've heard this before) are the lawyers who get paid regardless of the outcome.

How do I know if the inspector is reputable? They sound good. Their charges are competitive. How do I know if they are good inspectors? 

There is hope. 

A new registry of Pre-Purchase Building Inspectors has been created called the Pre-Purchase Inspectors Registry or PPI Registry for short. At PPI all the homework you need is carried out for you.

PPI Registry verifies applicant's qualifications & licenses & obtains copies of their most recent reports to ensure each inspector is eligible to become a member of the PPI Registry. PPI ensures to you that all of our members are fully qualified and insured.

What a relief. We finally have an independent body that not just licences but actually verifies the inspectors credentials on an annual basis.